
SaaUI is available in nuget and its fastest way to install. There are two ways to install from nuget.

  1. In Visual Studio go to Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Package Manager Console then paste this code and hit Enter

Install-Package SaaUI.Winforms -Version 1.1.0

2. In Visual Studio go to Tools > Nuget Package Manager > Manage Nuget Packages for Solution... then click Browse tab and search for "SaaUI.Winforms" and install.

After you have installed SaaUI, Click Build > Build Solution and after build solution completes, you should see SaaUI in you Visual Studio Toolbox for that project.

Adding SaaUI in your Visual Studio Toolbox

If you have already added older versions in your visual studio toolbox, please make sure you delete that version first.

  1. Download SaaUI from our website and Unzip it.

  2. Open Visual Studio Toolbox and right click then click Add Tab and give a name i.e SaaUI.

  3. Drag "SaaUI.dll" into the new created tab. Also instead of dragging, you can right click and click Choose Items and the dialog that opens click browse and select "SaaUI.dll".

Last updated