
1. Colors

SaaPanel takes these color properties.

BackColor and BackColor2 are the two colors that form the background color. They can be adjusted with BackColorAngle.

BorderColor and BorderColor2 are the two colors form the border colors and they can be adjusted with BorderColorAngle.

ColorType tells whether the panel color is gradient or solid. Default means solid.

Gradient colors are not good for performance. And if you are going to put a lot of custom controls or animations in the panel, please make the ColorType Default which means solid.

2. Border

Border property tells the thickness of the border lines. "0" means no border.

3. Radius

Radius property tells the roundness of the edges. With this property you can change the shapes of the border edges. Radius has four properties:

TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft.

4. Others

ForceDrawRegion tells whether the panel is drawn forcing the panel region to be limited to the drawing region. By default it is true.

Transparence tells the visibility of other controls behind the panel.

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