
SaaAccordion is collapsible container that you can use to organize your items or controls. It collapses or expands when the head is clicked.

1. Colors

BodyColor tells the background color of the body.

BackColor tells the overall background color of the accordion. By default it is transparent.

HeadBackColor tells the background color of the head.

HeadHoverBackColor tells background color of the head when the mouse pointer is over the head.

HeadTextColor tells the text color of the head.

2. Size

Size tells the overall height and width of the accordion.

BodyMargin tells the distance between the body and the edges of the accordion.

BodyPadding tells the distance between the body and its contents.

HeadOffSet tells how far the head should move from left (X) and top (Y).

HeadOffSize tells extra height and width to add to the head.

HeadSize tells the height and width of the head.

3. Images

HeadLeftImage tells the image displayed on left side of the head.

HeadLeftImageSizeMode tells the sizing of mode of the HeadLeftImage.

HeadLeftImageVisible tells whether the image displayed on the left side of the head will be shown.

HeadRighImage tells the image displayed on right side of the head.

HeadRightImageSizeMode tells the sizing of mode of the HeadRightImage.

HeadRightImageVisible tells whether the image displayed on the right side of the head will be shown.

4. Text

HeadFont tells the font of the text displayed on the head.

HeadText tells the text displayed on the head.

HeadTextPosition tells the position of the HeadText.

5. Radius

BodyRadius tells the radius or the roundness of the body.

HeadCollapsedRadius tells the radius of the head when it is collapsed.

HeadExpandedRadius tells the radius of the head when it is expanded.

6. Shadow

HeadShadow gets the shadow of the head. HeadShadow is type of SaaShadow. For more about HeadShadow see SaaShadow.

7. Animations

IntervalInMilliseconds tells in milliseconds, the interval between two increments or decrements during animations.

Speed tells how fast the accordion collapses or expands. '0' means default animation.

8. Behavior

Expand tells whether the accordion is collapsed or expanded. true means expanded while false means collapsed.

MouseClicks tells which mouse button click does the accordion accepts and can cause it to expand or collapse.

9. Events

Animating fires as the accordion is expanding or collapsing.

Animating fires several times each expand or collapse depending on the interval and the speed.

ExpandChanged fires after the accordion is expanded or collapsed.

ExpandChanging fires before the accordion starts expanding or collapsing.

HeadHover fires when the mouse pointer is over the head.

HeadHoverLeave fires when the mouse pointer leaves the head.

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