
SaaCircularProgress is a circular and customizable ProgressBar. You can customize it to any style that fits your need.

1. Colors

SaaCircularProgress has these color properties:

BackColor is the overall background color for the control.

Color is the color for the progress indicator.

PathColor is the color for the path the progress indicator is following.

ForeColor is the color for the text.

2. Styles

DashStyle tells whether the circular indicator is dashed, solid, dotted etc. By default it is solid.

DashOffSet tells the distance between two dashes or dots.

Depth tells the thickness of the circular indicator.

DashGap tells how each end of each dashes or dotes of the circular indicator is drawn e.g. Flat, square, triangular etc.

LineEnd tells how the end of the circular indicator tail is drawn e.g. Flat, square, round, diamond, arrow etc

LineStart tells how the head of the circular indicator is drawn e.g. Flat, square, round, diamond, arrow etc

PathDashGap tells how each end of each dashes or dotes of the circular indicator path is drawn e.g. Flat, square, triangular etc.

PathDashStyle tells whether the circular indicator path is dashed, solid, dotted etc. By default it is solid.

PathDepth tells the thickness of the circular indicator path.

3. Display

Display tells how text is displayed in the circular progress. If the circular progress will show Percentage, Value or just nothing(None) except custom texts like Prefix or Suffix.

DecimalPoints tells how many decimal points to be shown in the circular progress.

Maximum tells the maximum value of the circular progress.

Minimum tells the minimum value of the circular progress.

Prefix tells the text put before the Percentage/Value/None text of the circular progress.

Suffix tells the text put after the Percentage/Value/None text of the circular progress.

Value tells the current value of the circular progress.

4. Animations and Others

Circulate tells if the circular indicator will rotate(with smooth animation).

Reverse tells whether the circular indicator will increment or decrement in reverse direction.

ReverseCirculate tells whether the circular indicator will rotate in reverse direction(with smooth animation).

RotateStep tells steps taken when the circular indicator is rotating(animating).

SpeedInMilliseconds tells the speed of the rotation in milliseconds. This is the interval between two rotations. The bigger the number the slower the animation.

StartAngle tells at which angle withing 360 degree will the circular indicator start. By default it is 275deg

Step tells what amount to increment the current value of the circular progress when PerformStep() function is called.

Using a lot of animations in your application may effect the performance.

5. Events

ValueChanged is fired when the Value of the circular progress is changed.

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