
1. Colors

BackColor is the overall background color for the control.

LineColor is the color for the line.

2. Styles

CustomLineAlignment tells the line offset from top. I mean you can use this property to position the line from top. It moves the line from top.

DashCap tells the style of each dash when you set Dash styles to Dots or Dashes or combination of them. I mean it makes each dash of the line Round, Flat or Triangular shape.

DashOffSet tells the distance from the start of a line to the start of a dash pattern.

DashStyle tells whether the line is dashed, solid, dotted etc. By default it is solid.

EndEdge tells the distance between the line end point and the edge of the control.

LineAlignment tells the position of the line e.g. Center, Start or End.

LineEnd tells the style of the end of the line e.g. Whether it will be Round, Square, Arrow etc

LinStart tells the style of the start of the line e.g. Whether it will be Round, Square, Arrow etc

StartEdge tells the distance between the line start point and the edge of the control.

Transparent tells whether the control will be forced to have 0% opacity. I mean it will be transparent to an extend that anything that is behind it, is visible.

For containers with gradient colors, please turn off this option. You can use Transparent background color instead.

Vertical tells whether the line is vertical or horizontal. TRUE for vertical and FALSE for horizontal.

3. Size

Size tells the size of the control and the line. The bigger the height the wider the line.

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