
1. Colors

BackgroundColor tells the backcolor of the progressbar.

Color tells the color of the progress indicator.

TextColor tells the color of the text.

2. Text

DecimalPoints tells how many decimal points will be displayed in the progressbar.

Display tells whether Value, Percent or Nothing text is displayed in the progressbar.

Prefix tells text put before Value/Percent/Nothing text displayed in the progressbar .

Suffix tells text put afterValue/Percent/Nothing text displayed in the progressbar .

TextFont tells the font of the text.

TextOffset tells how far the text should move from right to left (X) and from top to bottom (Y).

3. Others

Value tells current value the progressbar is passing.

Maximum tells the maximum value the progressbar accepts.

Minimum tells the minimum value the progressbar accepts.

RoundedStyle tells whether the progressbar border is rounded.

Step tells amount to increment the value of the progressbar when called PerformSteo().

Vertical tells whether the progressbar is vertical or horizontal.

Percentage tells the value of the progressbar as a percentage. Decimal points are detemined by the property DecimalPoints.

4. Methods and Events

PerformStep() increments the value of the progressbar by the value specified in Step.

ValueChanged fires when value of the progressbar is changed.

  saaProgressBar1.ValueChanged += saaProgressBar1_ValueChanged;
  private void saaProgressBar1_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaaProgressBar progressbar = sender as SaaProgressBar;
            //Rest of your code

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