
SaaIntroTip helps you introduce your application to your users. See the illustration above.

If you drag SaaIntroTip in to your form and then click any control on your form, like tooltip does, you will see two new properties added to all your controls. See the image below.

These two propperties are SortIndex and Tip.

Tip is the text that is associated with the control in SaaIntrotip. If no Tip is set then that control will not be included in the introtip. I mean it will be skipped.

SortIndex is the position the control is in the SaaIntrotip. Foreaxample: Assuming you have three buttons, button1, button2, button3. If you give button1 SortIndex 1, button2 SortIndex 2 and button3 SortIndex 3 then when you call saaIntroTip.ShowAll() button1 will be shown first then button2 then button 3. It will always start from lowest SortIndex then goes up.

If two or more controls have the same SortIndex then they will be displayed according to the time they were added to the form.

SaaIntroTip has Visual Editor in Visual Studio where you can customize it.

1. Colors

ArrowColor tells the color of the arrow.

BackColor tells the background color of the introtip. This is the overlay.

BorderColor tells the border color around the target control.

TargetBackColor tells the background color of the target control region.

TextColor tells the color of the text.

Transparency tells percentage opacity of the introtip.

2. Size

ArrowBend tells distance the arrow bends.

ArrowHeight tells the height of the arrow.

To hide the arrow, set ArrowHeight and ArrownBend to 0.

ArrowOffSet tells how far the arrow should move from the site of the target control.

ArrowThickness tells the width or the thickness of the arrow.

Border tells the width or the thickness of the border. '0' means no border.

TargetOffSet tells extra empty height or width to be added to the target site.

TextOffSet tells how far the text should move from the site of the target.

6. Styles

ArrowHeadStyle tells how the arrow head is styled. Is it arrow, triangle, square etc.

ArrowLineStyle tells how the line is styled. Is it Dotted, dashed etc.

ArrowTailStyle tells how the arrow tail is styled. Is it arrow, triangle, square etc.

BorderStyle tells how the border around the target is styled. Is it Dotted, dashed etc.

7. Mouse,Triggers, Font and Position

Cursor tells the cursor style of the introtip.

MouseClicks tells which mouse button click does the introtip accept.

NextTrigger tells whether if the target or the introtip is clicked the introtip will jump to the next control.

Position tells where the arrow and the text is placed relative to the target control. If Auto then the introtip chooses the best place depending on the space available. By default it is Auto.

TargetCursor tells the cursor style when the mouse pointer is over the target control region.

Font tells the font of the introtip.

8. Radius

Radius property tells the roundness of the border drawn over the target control. With this property you can change the shapes of the border. Radius has four properties: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft.

9. Methods

GetSortIndex(control) returns the SortIndex of the specified control.

GetTip(control) returns the tip text of the specified control.

Hide() pauses and hides the introtip that was going on. You can reshow and continue with ShowNext().

Hide(true/false) resets and hides the introtip. ShowNext() won't work this time because the introtip is reset.

Istarget(point) returns true if the specified points is the location of the target control otherwise false. It has a second optional bool argument which tells whether TargetOffSet is also included.

Istarget(x, y) returns true if the specified points is the location of the target control otherwise false. It has a second optional bool argument which tells whether TargetOffSet is also included.

SetSortIndex(control, sortIndex) sets the position of the specified control in the introtip sort indices.

SetTip(control, tipText) sets tip text to the specified control with a default sortindex of 0.

SetTip(control, tipText, sortIndex) sets tip text to the specified control with the sortIndex specified.

Show(control, tipText) shows introtip for the specified control.

ShowAll() Shows introtip for all controls with Tip text. It starts from the control with the lowest SortIndex and goes up.

ShowAll(sortIndex) Shows introtip for all controls with Tip text starting from the control with the specified SortIndex . If the specified sortIndex does not exist then nothing will be shown.

ShowNext() Shows and jumps to the next introtip. Use this when you had introtip that was going on but was suspended with Hide(). If there was no introtip that was going on then nothing will be shown.

10. Events

Clicked fires after anywhere on the introtip is clicked including the target region.

Clicking fires before anywhere on the introtip is clicked including the target region.

Hover fires when mouse pointer is over anywhere on the introtip including the target region.

LeaveHover fires when mouse pointer leaves the introtip.

TargetClicked fires after the region of the target control is clicked.

TargetClicking fires before the region of the target control is clicked.

TargetHover fires when the mouse pointer is over the target control.

TargetLeaveHover fires when the mouse pointer leaves the target control.

Clicked and TargetClicked fires when the user has pressed the mouse button and released it.

Clicking and TargetClicking fires when the user has pressed the mouse button but not yet released.

Last updated