
Very beautiful and customizable tooltip.

When you add SaaToolTip to your form, ToolTip property will be added to every control on your form. If you write something in a ToolTip property of a control on your form then when the mouse pointer hovers over that control, tooltip with the specified text will be shown.

1. Colors

BackgroundColor tells the background color of the tooltip.

TextColor tells text color of the tooltip.

2. Size

ArrowHeight tells height of the tooltip arrow.

ArrowWidth tells width of the tooltip arrow.

3. Text & Offsets

ArrowStart tells the location of the arrow from left side. '0' means center.

Font tells font of the tooltip text.

OffsetX tells how far the tooltip will move away horizontally from the target control.

OffsetY tells how far the tooltip will move away vertically from the target control.

OffSize tells extra height and width to be added to the tooltip.

TextOffsetX tells how far the text will be moved from left to right side.

TextOffsetY tells how far the text will be moved from top to bottom.

4. Timing & Others

Active tells whether the tooltip is enabled.

Delay tells in milliseconds, how long the mouse pointer should be on the associated control before the tooltip is shown.

Duration tells in milliseconds, how long the tooltip will be visible after it has been shown if the mouse pointer don't leave the control.

Position tells where the tooltip is placed relative to the associated control. This is if the tooltip is placed Right, Left, Top or Bottom of the associated control.

ShowAlways tells whether the tooltip will always be visible as long the mouse pointer is over the associated control.

If ShowAlways is set true then Duration will be ignored.

ShowArrow tells whether the tooltip arrow is visible.

5. Radius

Radius property tells the roundness of the edges. With this property you can change the shapes of the border edges. Radius has four properties: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft.

6. Methods

GetToolTip(control) returns text associated with the specified control.

Hide(control) hides tooltip for the specified control.

SetToolTip(control) sets tooltip text associated with the specified control.

Show(control) shows tooltip for a control.

Last updated