
1. Colors

BackColor is the overall background color for the control.

LoaderColor is the color for the preloader.


DashCap tells the style of each dash when you set Dash styles to Dots or Dashes or combination of them. I mean it makes each dash of the line Round, Flat or Triangular shape.

DashOffSet tells the distance from the start of a line to the start of a dash pattern.

DashStyle tells whether the line is dashed, solid, dotted etc. By default it is solid.

LineEnd tells the style of the end of the line e.g. Whether it will be Round, Square, Arrow etc

LinStart tells the style of the start of the line e.g. Whether it will be Round, Square, Arrow etc

LoaderWidth tells the width or thickness of the line.

3. Animations

MaxAngle tells the maximum angle the preloader can reach. It can be from 0 to 360.

MinAngle tells the minimum angle the preloader can reach. It can be from 0 to 360.

Reverse tells whether the preloader will move in reverse direction or counter clock-wise.

SpeedInMilliseconds tells in milliseconds, the time it takes the preloader to take one step.

Start tells whether the preloader is activated and animating.

StepDown tells the steps taken when the preloader is going down (shrinking).

StepUp tells the steps taken when the preloader is going up (growing).

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