
SaaFormControlBox is a customized controlbox for forms. It has Close/Exit, Minimize and Maximize buttons.

1. Colors

BackColor is the overall background color for the control.

2. Images

CloseActive tells the image of the close button when the mouse pointer is over it.

CloseInActive tells the image of the close button when the mouse pointer leaves (goes into inactive mode).

MinimizeActive tells the image of the minimize button when the mouse pointer is over it.

MinimizeInActive tells the image of the Minimize button when the mouse pointer leaves (goes into inactive mode).

MaximizeActive tells the image of the Maximize button when the mouse pointer is over it.

MaximizeInActive tells the image of the Maximize button when the mouse pointer leaves (goes into inactive mode).

3. Buttons

DisableClose tells whether the close button is disabled.

DisableMinimize tells whether the Minimize button is disabled.

DisableMaximize tells whether the Maximize button is disabled.

ShowClose tells whether the close button is shown.

ShowMinimize tells whether the Minimize button is shown.

ShowMaximize tells whether the Maximize button is shown.

4. ToolTip

ControlToolTip gets the associated tooltip control with the control.

CloseTip tells the text displayed when the mouse pointer is over the close button.

MinimizeTip tells the text displayed when the mouse pointer is over the Minimize button.

MaximizeTip tells the text displayed when the mouse pointer is over the Maximize button.

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