
This documentation is for SaaUI 1.1.0. If you using older version please update to latest version.

Type: Class

Contains useful extension methods that you may find helpful.

Make sure you add namespace using SaaUI;

Target: string

GetSize(string, font) returns the size of the specified text when drawn with the specified font.


string str = "This is string";
Size strSize = str.GetSize(Font);


string str = "This is string";
Size strSize = SaaExtensions.GetSize(str, Font);

Target: string[]

ToList(string[]) converts string array to List.


string[] strArray = { "Cat", "Dog", "Goat" };
List<string> list = strArray.ToList();


string[] strArray = { "Cat", "Dog", "Goat" };
List<string> list = SaaExtensions.ToList(strArray);

Target: SaaToast

GetSize(SaaToast) Gets the total Size (including Offsets) of all toasts that are open and visible on the screen.

GetSize(SaaToast, ToastPosition) Gets the total Size (including Offsets) of all toasts that are open and visible on the screen in the specified position.


Size TotalSize = saaToast1.GetSize();
Size BottomLeftSize = saaToast1.GetSize(ToastPosition.BottomLeft);


Size TotalSize = SaaExtensions.GetSize(saaToast1);
Size BottomLeftSize = SaaExtensions.GetSize(saaToast1, ToastPosition.BottomLeft);

Target: Color

ToHex(Color) converts color to hexadecimal like #FFFF00.

ToRGB(Color) converts color to RGB like RGB(255,255,0).


Color _color = Color.Red;
string hexColor = _color.ToHex();
string rgbColor = _clor.ToRGB();


Color _color = Color.Red;
string hexColor = SaaExtensions.ToHex(_color);
string rgbColor = SaaExtensions.ToRGB(_color);

Property: string

NewID generates globally unique ids with no duplicates possible.


string Id = SaaExtensions.NewID;

The possibility of generating same Ids for lifetime globally is 0%. This means you can rely on it without fearing of getting duplicate ids even if you are generating billions of ids per second.

It uses several individually generated universally unique identifier (UUID) + locally created custom identifiers.

Target: Color

GetTransparency(Color, Percentage) makes a color transparent in the given percentage.


Color _color = Color.Red;
Color halfTranparentColor = _color.GetTransparency(50);


Color _color = Color.Red;
Color halfTranparentColor = SaaExtensions.GetTransparency(_color, 50);

Target: Control

LocationRelativeToForm(Control) returns the location of a control relative to where it appears on the form. No matter if the control is inside other containers or nested containers. This is different from Control.Location. Control.Location returns the location of the control relative to its parent container(panel, form etc).

Assuming you have a button in a panel on a form, see the illustrations below.


point location = button1.LocationRelativeToForm();


point location = SaaExtensions.LocationRelativeToForm(button1);

Target: Control

MouseLocation(Control) returns mouse location of a control relative to the parent form. If the mouse pointer is outside the form then it returns Point.Empty.


point Mouselocation = button1.MouseLocation();


point Mouselocation = SaaExtensions.MouseLocation(button1);

Target: Control

InnerMouseLocation(Control) returns mouse location of a control relative to itself. If the mouse pointer is outside the control then it returns -1 (both X and Y).


point InnerMouseLocation = button1.InnerMouseLocation();


point InnerMouseLocation = SaaExtensions.InnerMouseLocation(button1);

Target: Control

SetDoubleBuffering(Control, true/false) enables or disables doubleBuffering for a control.




SaaExtensions.SetDoubleBuffering(button1, true/false);

Target: String[]

Contains(string[], item, caseSensitive) checks whether string array has the specified item in its collection. caseSensitive is optional argument and tells whether case-sensitivity must be respected. I.e with caseSensitive set true, Name and name are not same.


string[] str = { "Cat", "Dog", "Chicken"}; 
bool isContains = str.Contains("dog"); //returns true 
bool isContains = str.Contains("dog", true); //returns false


bool isContains = SaaExtensions.Contains(str, "dog", [ true/false]);

Target: Control

CopyPropertiesFrom(ToControl, FromControl, PropertiesToCopy) copies specified propeties from one control to another.

CopyPropertiesFromExcept(ToControl, FromControl, PropertiesNotToCopy) copies all properties except the ones specified from one control to another.

Imaging you have designed a beautiful button and you want another button to have same design. Instead of again designing that button, you can just copy from the other one. I.e Color, Text, Icon etc. Works with any control.


button2.CopyPropertiesFrom(button1, {"BackColor", "Font", "Text"}); // Copies BackColor, Font and Text from button1 to button2. 
button2.CopyPropertiesFromExcept(button1, {"BackColor", "Text"}); // Copies all properties except BackColor,and Text from button1 to button2.


SaaExtensions.CopyPropertiesFrom(button2, button1, {"BackColor", "Font", "Text"}); 
SaaExtensions.CopyPropertiesFromExcept(button2, button1, {"BackColor", "Text"});

Target: Object

GetProperty(object, propertyName) returns property value of an object.

SetProperty(object, propertyName, value) sets value to a property of an object. An object can be anything like class, Button, Form. In the following example we assume the object to be a Form.


 myForm.SetProperty("BackColor", Color.Blue); 
 Color bc = (Color)myForm.GetProperty("BackColor");

SaaExtensions.SetProperty(myForm1, "BackColor", Color.Blue); 
Color bc = (Color)SaaExtensions.GetProperty(myForm1, "BackColor");

Last updated