
SaaChatPanel organizes and makes faster your SaaChatBubbles.

1. Methods

AddMessage(SaaChatBubble) adds message to the chat panel.

AddMessage(SaaChatBubble, MessageID) adds message to the chat panel with specified messageId. MessageId helps you identify message with its Id.

Remove(MessageId) removes a message with specified messageId.

Remove(SaaChatBubble) removes specified message.

RemoveAll() removes all messages in the chat panel.

Messages returns all messages in the chat panel.

GetMessage(index) returns message in the specified index. Also you can use saaChatPanel[index].

GetMessage(MessageId) returns message with the specified messageId. Also you can use saaChatPanel[MessageId].

GetMessageIndex(SaaChatBubble) returns index of the specified message. Also you can use saaChatPanel[SaaChatBubble].

GetMessageId(SaaChatBubble) returns messageId of the specified message.

InvalidateBubbles() invalidates and redraws messages in the chat panel.

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